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The Development of Taiwan Veterinary Chain Stores Analyzed by SCP Model-In the Case on the National Veterinary Hospital (NVH)
作者 岑淑筱王俊元
This study was adopted a case study, following the principle of qualitative methods, to collect the data and information that research aimed to answer for, and a semi-structured interview was employed to get the deeper information from the top managers of the National Veterinary Hospital (NVH). The outcomes of the research would propose on a theoretical model to illustrate a conceptual framework (SRAVN) based on SCP model, which try to indicate the key dimensions for how a chain Vet hospital to develop its business strategy, how to answer for its organizational value proposition, based on its resource and how to build up its social networking to link the target market, and leverage its capabilities to outperform it business performance. The framework would reveal how to use the SWOT to come out the business strategy and plan it blueprint, depend on its features and resources, also answer for business value proposition. Second one, the paper would draw up how an organization synergize its resources to achieve its advantages, such as seeding plan, intern training, to lead other competitors. Third one category could demonstrate how to use ICT to accomplish a sound social networking to accelerate the utilities of information. The fourth part would unfold how a Vet hospital cultivates its HR as unique, exclusive capabilities. Briefly, the research would draft up a conceptual framework on how a vet hospital achieve its business performance and how to duplicate its success for market development.
起訖頁 147-157
關鍵詞 SCP模式連鎖體系動物醫院SCP modelChain SystemVet Hospital
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201403 (3:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 整合ERP與MES系統於儲位管理設計
該期刊-下一篇 構建殯葬禮儀師績效考核指標系統




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