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Design and Realization of Integrating ERP/MES Systems for Storage Location Management
作者 周世宏林龍欽邱國維
The problems of storage location management in a single system are poorly managed, lax oversight, material errors only can be found during the weekdays of personnel checking, audit, picking , on-line production, or annual inventory. All of these abuses are easily derived from the drawbacks of these management blind spots. In addition, the time and cost needed to deal with the virtual storage spaces into improper storage, and accounting staff to reallocate additional receipts. Based on the correlations between the records of stored items, we introduced the storage location management system (SLMS) in this study to eliminate the deficiencies of single system management. It used MES barcode labeling and card controlling, in combination with the integration of information from various systems, to build the SLMS for achieving dynamic control. Comparing with ERP data in the main system, data consistency and transparency of storage information is achieved. To verify the system availability, the SLMS is built on an actual manufacturing of consumer electronics company. The case company of this study, after the implementation of the SLMS, there was a noticeable improvement in management indicators including inventory accuracy, timely notification of errors, number of workers in the warehouse, productivity, etc. Compared to the plant without the SLMS, indirect support workers is about 5% less regarding human resource scheduling, and productivity is approximately 2.6 times higher to increase the flexibility of human resources management. Data consistency and first in first out can also be achieved without investing heavily in an automated storage/Retrieval system
起訖頁 127-146
關鍵詞 儲位管理卡控機制企業資源規劃/製造執行系統storage location management systemcard controllingERP/MES
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201403 (3:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 屬性層級模式在評價咖啡業服務品質中的應用
該期刊-下一篇 以SCP模式分析臺灣連鎖寵物醫院發展歷程--以全國動物醫院為例




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