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The Creations of Ceremony Fu in Tang Dynasty
作者 吳儀鳳
There were a large number of ceremony fu in Tang Dynasty. But they were not enough noticed by scholars. The ceremony fu were important material for research the national ceremony of Tang Dynasty. Writers wrote these fu with their own experience and their own value, thinking, believe. So we can research those writers' mind through the ceremony fu. (1) We can see that the Tang literati made much of ceremonial Fu through the existence of huge numbers of Tang ceremonial Fu; (2) Via the works of ceremonial Fu, the biographies of Fu’s writers, and many pertinent resources, we are able to know the literati’s attitudes of ceremony worship; (3) The ceremonial Fu could present the ritual system of Tang state, thus being worthy of our great attention; (4) The aggregate of Tang ceremonial Fu is a lot more and more complete than the pieces of the same type of former dynasties; simultaneously, as the ceremonies were treated with high respect by the state and needed by the imperial examination as well, it enables these Fu creations imply rich sociocultural meanings and that is also well worth deeply investigating; (5) To study the Tang ceremonial Fu, we have to understand the writers’ writing attitudes; therefore, we ought to grasp the era’s atmosphere and the literati’s attitudes and then we make appropriate interpretations afterwards.
起訖頁 195-229
關鍵詞 唐代典禮賦爻位崇禮心態創作心態Tang Dynastyceremonial Fucultural situationthe attitude of ceremony worshipmentality of creator
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200912 (12期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 地景臨現──六朝志怪「地誌書寫」範式與文化意蘊
該期刊-下一篇 明代翰林院的詩歌館課研究




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