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On Poetry Instruction at the Hanlin Academy in the Ming Dynasty
作者 連文萍
During the Ming dynasty, the civil service exam was used as a way to augment the Confucian tradition and ensure officials received posts because of their understanding of the Classics. This caused many candidates to focus so much on preparation for the test that they did even grasps the basics of poetry. Yet, instruction at the Hanlin Academy and the students there who passed the exam with high marks placed much emphasis on poetry. There were many poetry-related activities there, including imperially-commissioned works of poetry, poetry given as gifts, classes on poetry, poetry societies, spontaneous poems and responses to poems in informal gatherings, instruction on poetics, critiques of poetic works, etc. It is clear that for those at the Academy, poetry was very much an integral part of their life, both in imperial requests, socializing, and a way in which to give expression to personal sentiment.This paper will examine the nature of course instruction on poetry at the Hanlin Academy during the Ming dynasty, discussing its strengths and weaknesses from a viewpoint of poetics. Poetic works and titles from shujishi will be analyzed to show their significance in Ming dynasty poetics. Furthermore, students’ study of and attitudes toward poetry and instructors’ methodologies and attitudes will be addressed. The aim of this research is to view the incipient developments of Ming culture and to understand the diversity of poetics of the time.
起訖頁 231-260
關鍵詞 翰林庶吉士文化情境館課明代Hanlin AcademyshujishipoetryinstructionMing dynasty
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200912 (12期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 唐代典禮賦創作之文化情境探討
該期刊-下一篇 關於人文的省思




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