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The Impact of Strain Factors, Association with Deviant Peers, and Agreement with Illegal means on Adolescent Delinquency in Tainan Metropolitan: Testing a Model of Integrated Theories
作者 蔡東敏譚子文 (Tzyy-Wen Tan)董旭英 (Yuk-Ying Tung)
一般化緊張理論及社會學習理論均強調偏差行為的重要性,但是前者論焦點於引致偏差行為的因素,後者則聚焦在偏差同儕的效應。然而值得注意的是,為什麼有些同樣經歷緊張因素的青少年並未因此而產生偏差行為?在緊張因素與偏差行為之間是否具有什麼樣的中介機制,而使得青少年向偏差行為傾斜?再者,社會學習理論並無法清楚說明影響青少年接觸偏差同儕的最根本原因,亦即忽略了是何種因素將青少年推向偏差同儕,再習得偏差行為。因此,本研究主要依據緊張理論、社會學習理論、認同非法手段等理論,研擬建構一個整合負面生活事件及日常生活困擾等緊張因素、接觸偏差同儕、認同非法手段,且較為適合解釋國中生偏差行為發生的結構模式。並以此理論模式作為主要分析架構深入探討國中生偏差行為的成因。 本研究抽樣對象為台南市都會區國民中學七、八、九年級學生,採用分層叢聚隨機抽樣方式,有效樣本數共 306 名,並透過結構方程模式來檢定所蒐集之數據。研究結果發現:(1) 緊張因素會影響青少年偏差行為及增加與偏差同儕接觸的程度。(2) 緊張因素會經由接觸偏差同儕的中介效應,間接影響青少年偏差行為。(3) 接觸偏差同儕會影響青少年偏差行為。依據研究的分析結果,文中就未來對青少年偏差行為之研究與輔導提出相關建議。
A general strain theory and social learning theory provided very important conceptions in the explanation of deviant development. However, adolescents who faced same level of strain had different deviant behavior. There might be the impact of other factors on the relationships between strain and delinquency. Social learning theory could not clearly explain the original causes of deviant behavior’s development. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to count the impact of social strain factors to resupply the effect of association with deviant peers on the occurrence of delinquency. The study tried to provide a model in explaining the effects of social strain factors, association with peers, and agreement with illegal means on Taiwanese delinquency. The stratified cluster random sampling method was adopted to draw 306 junior high school students from the metropolitan in Tainan. SEM was used to test the model. The findings of this study were: (1) strain factors influenced the development of delinquency and association with deviant peers; (2) association with deviant peers played a mediator between strain factors and delinquent behavior; (3) association with deviant peers had impact on adolescent delinquency. According the results, suggestions were also provided in the paper.
起訖頁 37-80
關鍵詞 緊張因素接觸偏差同儕認同非法手段青少年偏差行為social strain factorsassociation with peersagreement with illegal meansdelinquency
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201512 (7:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 假想空間街道構成法:投射技巧在大學生犯罪被害恐懼心理之測量應用
該期刊-下一篇 論未成年人於性侵害案件之供述能力




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