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青少年犯罪防治研究期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

作者 戴伸峰顧以謙
犯罪被害恐懼(Fear of crime)是一種對於社會治安以及個人是否遭到犯罪侵害的一種廣泛的心理不安狀態,一直以來受到犯罪學研究領域的高度重視。針對犯罪被害恐懼的測量多以自陳題項為主,但是亦受到自陳式測量的限制導致效度備受質疑。本研究參考原田(2009, 2010)之「仮想街空間構成法」設計「假想街道空間構成」實驗,以61位國立中正大學犯罪防治系大學部學生(男性31位,女性30位)為樣本進行實驗,實驗素材為十五種大學生生活周遭容易發現之物理空間提示,同時亦分析大學生樣本對於上述物理空間之各項心理感受。研究結果發現:受試者認為安全性以及安心性感受最高的是「派出所」;便利性以及必要性心理感受最高為「便利商店」;最喜歡的物理空間為「便利商店」。相反的,各項心理感受平均得分最低者皆為廢墟、雜草荒地、亂葬崗等三項。此外,受試者傾向於將便利性、安全性、安心性、必要性以及喜歡度等心理感受皆高的物理空間安排於自宅周邊;相反則傾向於將心理感受較低的物理空間放置於遠離自宅以及具有絕對物理阻隔性的鐵路另一側。從「自宅」到「火車站」的通學通勤道路上,受試者傾向於放置生活便利性較高的物理空間場域。最後,本研究發現受試者對派出所的「保護自宅功能」有較高的反應。
Fear of crime refers to a broad status of psychologically feeling insecure towards public security and the possibility of personal victimization. Fear of crime has long been of serious concern while carrying out the research on criminology.The measurements of fear of crime mostlydepend on self-reported items.However, the limitations imposed by self-report measurements often lead tohighly questionable validity.In this paper, the authors referred to the “method of constructing a virtual street space”proposed by Harada (2009, 2010) for designing an experiment concerning the “construction of virtual street space”.A total of 61 university students(31 males and 30 females) from the Department of Criminology of National Chung Cheng University were invited to be the samples to assist with the experiment. The items included in this experiment were the fifteen physical spaces easily found around thosestudents in their daily lives.Meanwhile, an analysis was made on the students’ psychological perception of each of the above mentioned physical spaces. The findings showed that “police stations” were the safest and the most secure place perceived by theparticipants of the experiment; “convenience stores” were the most convenient and necessary place perceived by them; and their most favorite physical space was “convenience stores”.Contrarily, ruins, wasteland overgrown with weeds and mass graves scored the lowest average based on the aspects of perception covered in this study.In other words, the participants were inclined to place the physical spaces with better feelings such as convenience, safety, security, necessity and fondness nearby their residence.On the other hand, they tended to place the physical spaces with negative feelings far from their residence and on the other side of the railroad which symbolizes an absolute physical barrier.While commuting between their “residence” and “the train station”, the participants were more likely to have physical spaces with convenience around them. Finally, it is found that the participants presented better response towards police stations in terms of the “function to protect residence”.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 犯罪被害恐懼投射技巧假想街道空間構成實驗fear of crimeobjective skillimaginarycommunity designmethod of constructing a virtual street space
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201512 (7:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 臺南都會區國中生緊張因素、接觸偏差同儕、認同非法手段對偏差行為之影響:建構整合理論解釋模型




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