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Audience’s Interpretation of the Theme of “Religion” in a Movie: Research on Online Movie Review of Life of Pi
作者 宋紫薇周文傑
Focusing upon the audience interpretation of the theme of “religion” in Life of Pi by Ang lee, this study uses the case of online movie review in Mtime and douban, by means of content analysis and text analysis, to examine the research hypothesis: the different thinking pattern people carry, and the emphasis on either of two stories Pi tells and scenes in this movie, would lead to different thoughts of “religion”. Statistic results show that: 1. The one who interprets this movie from the perspective of philosophy and based on the first story Pi tells, tend to think “Faith is the good or inner divine”; 2. Interpreting this movie in terms of social reality, is likely to conclude that “It is not what you believe, but the faith itself that counts”; 3. Focusing on the second story Pi tells has correlation with the idea that “Religion is an illusion derived from survival desire”.
起訖頁 151-191
關鍵詞 【少年Pi的奇幻漂流】網路影評信仰內容分析Life of Pionline movie reviewreligioncontent analysis
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201707 (132期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 數位匯流的新工具採納記者的社群媒體使用與影響評價
該期刊-下一篇 博物異誌:水火風土人神的媒介論──《不可思議的雲:邁向元素的媒介哲學》




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