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日本自民黨安倍晉三政權企圖達成安全保障相關條文之修憲案――其修憲途徑與具體實踐(The Shinzo Abe Cabinet's/LDP's Drive to Amend the Constitution—Approaches and Practices)
作者 林賢參
This study aims to explore the approaches and practices of the Abe-led Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in revising Japan's security-policy related Preamble and Article 9 of the Constitution. After the parliamentary election in July 2016, the political parties in favor of revising the Constitution, including LDP, have secured more than two-thirds of the seats in both Houses of Councillors and Representatives. The result has opened the door of possibility for the first time for the Congress to put constitutional change to a national referendum. However, according to the recent polls, the percentage of those who opposed to the constitutional revisions is greater than those who agreed. In addition, the political parties—regardless of in power or in opposition—have divided opinions on the constitutional revisions. Nevertheless, the Abe-led LDP opted to revise Article 96 of the Constitution to lower the threshold of amending the Constitution or to alter administration's interpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution. Although the latter was achieved, it has drawn backlash. From now on, the goal of Abe-led LDP is to increase citizen participation and to reach consensus through discussions on the Constitutional Review Committee of Japanese National Diet so as to pave the better way for constitutional revisions.
起訖頁 99-128
關鍵詞 修憲集體自衛權憲法審查會存立威脅事態和平安全法制整備法constitutional amendmentright of collective self-defenseConstitutional Review Committeeexistential threat situationLegislation for Peace and Security
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201612 (45:4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 引發日本財政赤字之政治因素――自「大藏省主導體制」至「首相官邸主導體制」之流變(The Political Analysis of Fiscal Deficit in Japan: From “Ministry of Finance's Control” to “Prime Minister's Office's Control”)
該期刊-下一篇 日本政治與學子――與政治疏離、向政策趨近(Politics and Students in Japan: Recusing from Politics, Approaching Actual Policies)




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