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日本政治與學子――與政治疏離、向政策趨近(Politics and Students in Japan: Recusing from Politics, Approaching Actual Policies)
作者 清水唯一朗
“Japan's young people are ignorant of politics.” The claim may be biased but it has indeed risen in recent years. However, when examining carefully into the issue, the reader may be reminded of the protest against new security law in the summer of 2015. In the protest, Japanese citizens, who has long been silent, demonstrated their outspokenness. The enhanced level of enthusiasm and involvement in the politics is thus revealed. This paper focuses on the attitude swift of Japanese young generation towards national and social issues. Such swift can be first attributed to students' ability of independent thinking, a treasure developed by the Yutori education, or the relaxed-education policy. Students are taught to observe the policy change through the election and apprehend the possibilities created by changes. In addition, the Great East Japan earthquake that rocked the nation has made the young witnesses the immense power of nature. As a result, young students maintain detached from social and political issues while at the same time, they grow and develop the capability of problem solving through experiencing the natural disaster. In contemporary Japan, it is crucial to understand the social context of the attitude swift of the young generation towards national and social issues. Moreover, as we support and grow with the trend, the contemporary Japan might find the way for future reform in such a compressed society.
起訖頁 129-157
關鍵詞 人才培育政策國家建設多元發展教育模式公民參政之實質效力意識東日本大地震human resources policynation-buildingrelaxed-education policysense of political efficiencyGreat East Japan earthquake
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201612 (45:4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 日本自民黨安倍晉三政權企圖達成安全保障相關條文之修憲案――其修憲途徑與具體實踐(The Shinzo Abe Cabinet's/LDP's Drive to Amend the Constitution—Approaches and Practices)




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