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引發日本財政赤字之政治因素――自「大藏省主導體制」至「首相官邸主導體制」之流變(The Political Analysis of Fiscal Deficit in Japan: From “Ministry of Finance's Control” to “Prime Minister's Office's Control”)
作者 上川龍之進
This article analyzes the change of the ratio of government bond dependency in Japan by political factors. Masaru Mabuchi examined the sharp rise in the rate of government bond dependency in the late 1970s under the influence of political institution, that is, the Ministry of Finance's jurisdiction over both the fiscal policy and the financial administration. However, the ratio of government bond issues to total government expenditures has increased sharply since the late 1990s—when the administrative authorities over fiscal and financial affairs were separated. At a glance, this sharp rise of the ratio cannot be fully attributed to political factors. Nevertheless, this article points that lowering long-term interest rates by the Bank of Japan, which was given legal independence from the government in 1998, has facilitated the large-scale government bond issues. Sometimes the Bank of Japan received pressure from the government and the Ministry of Finance and lowered long-term interest rates; at other times the Bank lowered them on its own initiative. This article also shows that the Prime Minister's office has forced the Bank of Japan to ease monetary policy aggressively during the second and third Abe Administration and that the large-scale monetary easing policy has facilitated large-scale government bond issues and harmed the fiscal discipline. The large-scale government bond issues since the late 1990s can also be attributed to political factors.
起訖頁 53-98
關鍵詞 財政赤字財務省(大藏省)日本銀行國債金融政策fiscal deficitMinistry of FinanceBank of Japangovernment bondsmonetary policy
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201612 (45:4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 安倍政權的自立外交初探(Exploring the “Independent” Foreign Policy of Abe Administration)
該期刊-下一篇 日本自民黨安倍晉三政權企圖達成安全保障相關條文之修憲案――其修憲途徑與具體實踐(The Shinzo Abe Cabinet's/LDP's Drive to Amend the Constitution—Approaches and Practices)




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