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安倍政權的自立外交初探(Exploring the “Independent” Foreign Policy of Abe Administration)
作者 何思慎楊雯婷西方亞希子
This article aims to analyze the recent Japanese foreign policies of Abe administration responding to the rapidly changing East Asian politics—whether Japan continues following the US foreign policy or pursues alternatives that differ from the U.S. In fact, in the midst of changing politics in the East Asia, Abe administration is provided an opportunity to pursue “independent foreign policy” towards China and Russia. As the threat of North Korean nuclear crisis has risen, the U.S., Japan and Korea have consolidated alliance while the foreign and strategic environment became less favorable for China and Russia. However, Abe administration takes the initiatives to promote the Sino-Japanese-Korean economic cooperation and pursues a rapprochement with Russia. The two aforementioned policy changes are based on the national interests of Japan and they are not necessarily supported by the U.S. This article points out that Japan has adopted the foreign policy scenarios different from the U.S. and has moved towards the “independent foreign policy.”.
起訖頁 1-51
關鍵詞 日本自立外交中日關係日俄關係東亞政治Japan's “independent foreign policy”Sino-Japanese relationsRusso-Japanese relationsEast Asian politics
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201612 (45:4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 引發日本財政赤字之政治因素――自「大藏省主導體制」至「首相官邸主導體制」之流變(The Political Analysis of Fiscal Deficit in Japan: From “Ministry of Finance's Control” to “Prime Minister's Office's Control”)




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