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作者 熊瑞梅紀金山
本文嘗試將國家與教改社運組織的角色帶入「師資培育法」形成的政策範疇分析之中。資料蒐集與分析包括: 透過質化資料分析,勾勒在「師資培育法」形成的各階段中,國家制度、邊陲團體和教改社運組織間關係對法案發展議題的動態影響力機制; 使用內容分析與對應分析方法,來呈現政策範疇的影響力結構特質。「師資培育法」形成的三個階段包括: 修法議題受社會注意、修法進入行政議程、立法院審議法案決策。在法案發展的不同階段中,政治機會環境有著重大的變遷,國家教育官僚、教改社運組織及其他關鍵行動者的權力關係也產生明顯變化,從而影響了行動者和議題結構。而在最後政策審議階段,教改團體的組織化、制度化,以及和民進黨立委結盟的擴張,更產生深刻影響師資培育法案的槓桿效果。對應分析勾勒出「師資培育法」發展過程的制度化特質──影響力結構的折衷原理和政策變遷的制度化有密切關連。
The authors include the roles of social movement and state organization in a policy domain analyses of the Teacher Education Act of 1994. Data collection and analysis included a) identifying policy influence mechanisms among state bureaucrats, peripheral groups, and social movement organizations during different stages of policy formation; and b) using content and correspondence analyses to determine the influence structures that were in place during those stages. The construction stages were identified as a) recognizing issues associated with reforming the old act, b) enacting governmental modification procedures for the old act, and c) making final decisions in the Legislative Yuan. Political opportunities changed dramatically during each stage, as did power relations among state educational bureaucrats, social movement organizations interested in educational reform, and small numbers of additional actors. In the final stage, educational reform coalitions used leverage strategies to join forces with opposition party legislators to create and pass a new Teacher Education Act. The correspondence analyses profile the institutionalized characteristics in the formation of the Teacher Education Act-close association between the eclectic principle of influence structure and the institutionalization of policy change.
起訖頁 199-246
關鍵詞 政策範疇影響力國家社會運動師資培育法policy domaininfluencestatesocial movementTeacher Education Act of 1994
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200212 (4期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 解除克勞塞維茲的魔咒:分析當前社會改革運動的困境
該期刊-下一篇 評《先生媽、產婆、與婦產科醫師》




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