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The effects of Run-Walk Sport related to Health-Related Physical Fitness of Elementary School Students of the Li-Ren Elementary School of Yun-Lin County
作者 于健張喬和
本研究的目的在探討跑走運動對國小學童健康體適能的影響。並且比較學童在跑走運動後,健康體適能的差異與相關。進而根據研究發現,引導學童適度的運動,能增進健康體適能。本研究係以雲林縣立仁國民小學58名四年級學童為研究對象,分為實驗組29人與對照組29人。實驗組接受每週3次,每次9分鐘的跑走運動訓練,為期12週。對照組則不介入任何活動並維持正常飲食及作息。受試者於實驗前、後進行「健康體適能檢測」。將實施前、後所獲得之檢測資料,利用SPSS for 18.0應用統計軟體,利用獨立樣本單因子單共變量變異數分析(ANCOVA)加以檢定考驗。結果如下:一、 本研究結果顯示跑走運動對於國小四年級學童身體組成無顯著影響(p>.05)。二、 本研究結果顯示跑走運動對於國小四年級學童柔軟度無顯著影響(p>.05)。 三、 本研究結果顯示跑走運動對於國小四年級學童瞬發力有顯著影響(p<.05)。 四、 四、本研究結果顯示跑走運動對於國小四年級學童肌耐力有顯著影響(p<.05)。五、本研究結果顯示跑走運動對於國小四年級學童心肺適能有顯著影響(p<.05)。
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of run-walk sports related to health-related physical fitness in elementary school students compare to the difference and correlation in health-related physical fitness after run-walk sports training. In addition, the study finds that guiding students to conduct a proper amount of exercise will improve their health-related physical fitness. Fifty-eight fourth-grade students from Yun-Lin Li-Ren Elementary School were elected and assigned to attend the experimental group and the control group. Students of the experimental group receive the intervention of 9-minutes Run-Walk sports training three times a week for 12 weeks. Participating in no interventional activity, students of the control group maintain regular diet and schedule. Before and after the experiment, test subjects measured by “Health-Related Physical Fitness Inspection”. When the activity is over, the tests which are conducted in the beginning and the end of the intervention exercise are analyzed on descriptive-statistics and one-way ANCOVA. The results of the tests are as follows. 1. the research result shows that run-walk sports training is unable to improve the BMI of fourth-grade elementary school students.(p>.05)2. the research result shows that run-walk sports training is unable to improve the flexibility of fourth-grade elementary school students.(p>.05)3. the research result shows that run-walk sports training is able to improve the power of fourth-grade elementary school students.(p<.05)4. the research result shows that run-walk sports training is able to improve the muscular endurance of fourth-grade elementary school students.(p<.05)5. the research result shows that run-walk sports training is able to improve the cardiovasular fitness of fourth-grade elementary school students.(p<.05)
起訖頁 90-102
關鍵詞 跑走運動國小學童健康體適能Run-Walk SportsElementary school studentsHealth-Related Physical Fitness
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 201506 (3:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
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該期刊-下一篇 應用IRPA與IAA分析馬公航空站服務品質之研究




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