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利用Arduino 資料擷取裝置之脈搏感測器系統
Pulse Sensor System Based on Arduino Data Acquiring Device
作者 劉世昌范峻瑋
行政院衛生福利部提出的「長期照顧服務法」在立法院通過之後,讓已經試辦十年 的長照,正式進入了長照 2.0 時代。本篇論文「利用 Arduino 資料擷取裝置之脈搏感測 器系統」之目的為將受測者可以透過上述感測器擷取脈搏資料,並將受測者目前的脈搏 資料以圖表及數據方式呈現出來,本系統係藉由 Arduino Uno 硬體、Arduino Wi-Fi 擴充 元件及脈搏感測器,透過 Internet 將脈搏資料上傳至 ThingSpeak 網頁頁面;接收端人員 或監看人員可以透過網路方式即時監看受測者脈搏資料,將所蒐集資料交由醫護人員或 醫院作為資料庫分析運用的,後續應用發展可將模組化縮小進而應用於現今流行的穿戴 式裝置,亦可以結合其他感測元件例如溫度感測元件來顯示目前人員所在的環境狀況而 產生的心律情形做為後續研究方向。如此相關醫療人員或機構可建置受測者資料庫以供 後續分析使用,進而達到照顧及相關醫療之目的。
After the long-term care service law from the Ministry of Health and Welfare passed by the Legislative Yuan, the era of ten-year long-term care trial has officially begun. The purpose of this paper entitled“Pulse sensor system based on Arduino data acquiring device”is for participants who can collect pulse data via the sensor system, and display the received data in diagrams and statistics. This system uploads pulse data to ThingSpeak website by Arduino Uno hardware, Arduino Wi-Fi board, and pulse sensor. The receiving end can monitor participants' pulse data through Internet instantaneously. Furthermore, the gathered data can be analyzed by medical staff and the database can be constructed thereafter. The follow-up development can condense the module to become a wearable device, or combine other sensing elements such as thermo sensor to show the conditions of participants according to their heart rates. Medical staff or organization can analyze relative data and construct database of participants, and therefore accomplish the prospect of Medicare.
起訖頁 61-79
關鍵詞 脈搏感測長照ArduinoThing SpeakPulse SensorLong-term Care
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201711 (13:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 提升產學專班學生就讀意願之研究
該期刊-下一篇 薪資水準的相關因素──從職訓與職務晉級條件分析餐旅人員的薪資結構




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