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華人前瞻研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Study on Improving the Willingness of Students in Production and Study
作者 王信文黃華山劉春楠
我國近年面臨少子化的衝擊影響甚巨,偏鄉與教學資源不足的學校面臨招生不足之 困境,嚴重衝擊私立大專院校之經營與發展;同時國內也正面臨低薪與高失業率的問題, 企業面對缺工與人才流失之困境,因此產、學交流合作日益重要。故本研究以層級分析 法(Analytic Hierarchy Process;簡稱 AHP)探討學生選讀產學專班之評估因素為何?並依 據相關文獻整理,歸納之結論如下: 一、在「家庭背景」取向方面:有 54.9%專家學者認為家庭經濟因素是學生在選讀產 學專班評估準則上極為重要之因素,另外,則有 6.8%專家認為教育期望在學生選讀產 學專班評估準則上較不重要。 二、在「教育品質」取向方面:有 42.2%專家學者認為學校聲望因素是學生在選讀產 學專班評估準則上極為重要之因素,另外,則有 4.6%專家學者認為校園設備在學生選 讀產學專班評估準則上較不重要。 三、在「工作滿意度」取向方面:有 41.5%專家學者認為未來發展因素是學生在選讀 產學專班評估準則上極為重要之因素,另外,則有 4.0%專家學者認為工作環境在學生 選讀產學專班評估準則上較不重要。
China's impact in recent years, the impact of the impact of a small child, school and the lack of teaching resources of the school is facing the plight of lack of enrollment, seriously impact the operation and development of private colleges and universities; at the same time domestic is also facing low wages and high unemployment rate, enterprises face the dilemma of lack of workers and brain drain, so industry and school exchanges and cooperation is increasingly important. Therefore, this study to AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) (AHP) to explore the students selected school-specific assessment of the factors? and according to the relevant literature, the conclusion of the induction is as follows: First, in the 'family background' orientation: there are 54.9% of experts and scholars that the family economic factors in the selection of students in the school-specific assessment criteria are extremely important factors; on the contrary, There are 6.8% of experts and scholars believe that education expectations in the student selection of industry-specific assessment criteria are less important. Second, in the 'education quality' orientation: there are 42.2% of experts and scholars believe that the school prestige factor is the students in the selection of industry-specific assessment criteria are extremely important factors; on the contrary, there are 4.6% of experts and scholars believe that the campus equipment in the students choose to study and study classes are less important. Third, in the 'job satisfaction' orientation: there are 41.5% of the experts and scholars believe that the future development factors in the selection of students in the school-specific assessment criteria are extremely important factors; on the contrary, there are 4.0% of experts and scholars believe that the working environment in the students choose to study and study classes are less important.
起訖頁 39-60
關鍵詞 產學合作就讀意願層級分析法Industry - university CooperationReading IntentionAnalytic Hierarchy Proces
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201711 (13:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 以Q方法探討咖啡廳美學認知類型
該期刊-下一篇 利用Arduino 資料擷取裝置之脈搏感測器系統




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