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The effectiveness of emotion management group for depression and anxiety in nursing students
作者 張瓊珠 (Chiung-Chu Chang)簡秀芬林宜美 (I-Mei Lin)
In recent years, depression and anxiety intervention programs have become essential issues in Taiwan. Depression, cancer and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) have been listed in the top three diseases in 21th century by World Health Organization (WHO). There are many depression, anxiety and stress coping problems in the teenager and become the main issues in our society. There were eight nursing students participated 12 hours emotion management program that was based on cognitive behavior therapy and focused on depression and anxiety. Subjects accepted individual interview, Social Readjustment Rating Scale, Psychosomatic Symptoms Rating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) by clinical psychologist one week before the program, and BDI/BAI two weeks after program to evaluate the improvement. The results showed that the major stressor of students was schoolwork (100%) and then interpersonal relationship and family interaction (25% and 25% respectively). The mean stress score of subjects was 798.12 (SD = 782.66), and one-third of subjects had medium to high stress risk level. For the stress coping, the subjects were using problem solving (62.5%) and talking to classmates/ teaches/ family members (50%), and keep in their mind (50%) for dealing with their stressors. After emotion management program, the depression and anxiety were decreased. The analysis of group feedback found that subjects had positive feedback for the emotion management program, such as satisfied with the program and leader, got the new ideas of emotion management and satisfied with their performance in the program. Besides, subjects reported that they learned how to self-awareness of depression and anxiety, identify their thinking processes, muscle relaxation and deep breath, problem-focus and emotion-focus strategies, and used self-disclosed for self-understanding and increased social support in this program. Therefore, emotion management program helped students how to self-understand and increased emotion coping strategies when they were suffering by negative emotion. For increasing mental health in the campus of nursing school, we suggested that there will be more emotion management programs will be hold to help students cope with their stressors, think positive, and positive coping skills when they are interrupted by the negative emotion.
起訖頁 35-53
關鍵詞 情緒管理團體護專學生憂鬱與焦慮emotion managementnursing students
刊名 崇仁學報  
期數 200912 (3期)
出版單位 崇仁醫護管理專科學校
該期刊-上一篇 深度休閒之參與動機、持續參與因素之探討--以南部地區獨木舟協會的成員為例
該期刊-下一篇 探究藝術成長活動運用於失親兒童之個案研究




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