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The Exploration of Serious Recreational Participating Motive, Lasting Factor -Taking the Southern Area Canoe Association Members as the Example
作者 陳盈位黃瑞榮
This study took the association members who like to go canoeing in the southern area as the example. The theme was to explore 「hobby style」 serious recreational participant's participating motive, lasting factor,. This study belonged to qualitative research and used Stebbins serious recreational theory as the structure to write the interview outline. The method was structural and open in-depth interview. The interviewee must be the canoe association member for at least 3 years. Moreover, this member must participate the association's activity more than 18 times in the past half year. The interviewees included 10 members. The result of this study indicates: 1.the interviewee's participating motives included self-interest, social behavior, unconventionality, pure recreation, peer invitation. The analysis of the interviewee's talking content and proportion indicated unconventionality and peer invitation were the stronger participating motives. 2.The interviewee's main reason of lasting factor: good experience, gaining recognition, peer interaction, family's support, releasing pressure, and advancing skills.
起訖頁 21-34
關鍵詞 深度休閒參與動機Serious RecreationParticipating Motive
刊名 崇仁學報  
期數 200912 (3期)
出版單位 崇仁醫護管理專科學校
該期刊-上一篇 天胡荽精油成分之研究
該期刊-下一篇 情緒管理團體對護專學生之憂鬱與焦慮情緒之成效分析




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