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Tiwuchuanshen: Wang Meng-ou on Abstract Conceptualization in Chinese Art
作者 邱琳婷廖棟樑
This paper aims to investigate the historical background and the aesthetic theories which influence Wang Meng-ou ‘s thoughts in Chinese abstract art during the 1950s by starting from analyzing Wang's article “Abstract Conceptualization in Chinese Art.” This article is mainly about Chinese art, but there is also an introduction to the aesthetic insight of Alois Riegl (1858-1905), Adolf von Hilebrand (1847-1921), and Wilhelm Worringer (1881-1965). Wang picked up modern western aesthetic concepts while he was studying in Japan, and these concepts had an influence on his later writings. These theories also inspired modern Taiwanese paintings, and helped Wang establish his own style of aesthetics which is termed as Shenyou (fugue). Thus it is crucial to first understand these aesthetic theories before doing further examining into how Wang formed his own unique style by mixing Chinese and western aesthetic theories. Several ideas will thus be discussed in this paper: will to art (Kunstwollen), Alois Riegl's idea of planarization and immobilization, Adolf von Hilebrand's visual sense of forms (optisch) and tactile reception (haptisch), empathy in art and Wilhelm Worringer's “The urge to abstraction”. After examining these aesthetic concepts, it will be become clear how Wang's ways of seeing and thinking about Chinese abstract art were formed.
起訖頁 101-130
關鍵詞 王夢鷗中國藝術黎格爾希德布朗華林格爾Wang Meng-ouChinese artAlois RieglAdolf von HilebrandWilhelm Worringer
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201412 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 性情與法度:論汪琬對錢謙益古文觀的批評
該期刊-下一篇 比較視野下的修辭思維:余光中論現代中文的歐化現象




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