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Disposition and Composition: A Study of Wang Wan's Critique of Qian Qianyi's Theories of Classical Prose
作者 李向昇
The “debate” between Wang Wan and Qian Qianyi has been an important issue in the literary arena of the early Qing Dynasty, but it does not receive enough attention from scholars. Thus this paper calls for attention to this issue by arguing that the contradiction of literary conceptions between Wang and Qian, both important writers in the early Qing dynasty, reflects the development of the criticism of “classical prose”(古文) during that period. This paper is comprised of two parts. The first part will be concerned with the differences in literary concepts of Wang Wan and Qian Qianyi. The second part is a response to the article by Aoki Masaru on their approaches to Gui Youguang's “Classical Prose.” The essence of Wang's “ancient prose” theories is “organization of writing” (文法), while that of Qian focuses on “temperament and education” (性情與學問). The critical difference between two is that Wang's emphasis is on the composition itself, while Qian emphasizes the character of the author. Wang believes that an author with a good temperament and education may still not be able to write a good article, but Qian upholds the opposite. The theories of Qian Qianyi are built upon the critique of Neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, but this very same theoretical system is celebrated by Wang Wan and his “ancient prose system”(古文譜系). In Aoki Masaru's opinion, although Wang and Qian both admire Gui Youguang's “Classical Prose,” they take different approaches to Gui's ‘Ancient Prose'. Based in Aoki Masaru's point of view, I argue that Wang's view inherits Gui's “Classical Prose” through ‘Wen'(文) as Qian inherits it through ‘Dao'(道).
起訖頁 69-99
關鍵詞 汪琬錢謙益清初古文Wang WanQian QianyiEarly Qing“Ancient Prose”
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201412 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 由道到術--漢代道家相關文獻對「道」的理解與詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 體物傳神:王夢鷗論中國藝術之抽象觀念化




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