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A Study of Officers Training Regiment before the Second Sino-Japanese War (1933-1935)
作者 林伯瀚
In February 1933, Chiang Kai-shek launched the Fourth Encirclement and Extermination Campaign against to Communist-led armed forces with an appointment of Chen Cheng as the general director of Central Route Army. This campaign ended in a failure while Chen’s core strength -- the eleventh, fifty-second, fifty-ninth Divisions were almost completely destroyed in Jiangxi. Chiang Kai-shek stated frankly that this campaign was the most painful matter in his life. At that time, the most urgent issue that Chiang Kai-shek faced is how to recover the moral strength to reach the goal of extermination of the Communists and how to train the troops to overcome the fears of war against the Communist forces. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek decided to form an institution named Officers Training Regiment with the appointment of Chen Cheng as its head in July 1933. The result of Officers Training Regiment was remarkable. This Regiment strengthened the soldiers’ will to fight and then won the Fifth Encirclement and Extermination Campaign in Jiangxi. Due to the success of this training mode, Chiang Kai-shek continuously formed the Officers Training Regiment in Lushan in 1934 and in Szechwan in 1935. Chen Cheng was in charge of all the Officers Training Regiments. It is understandable that Chen Cheng had become the most trusted person in Chiang Kai-shek eyes in the training aspect. For Chen Cheng, this training task was a great challenge to him because the work was totally different from what he used to do. This article will focus on how Chen Cheng adjusted himself to the new task. In addition, it will also analyze the effectiveness of the training as well as the training mode of the Regiment in accordance with Chiang Kai-shek’s instructions and expectations.
起訖頁 109-130
關鍵詞 蔣中正陳誠廬山軍官訓練團Chiang Kai-shekChen ChengLushanOfficers Training Regiment
刊名 史匯  
期數 201112 (15期)
出版單位 國立中央大學歷史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論朱熹與崇安劉氏家族的往來
該期刊-下一篇 一九四九年前後永灝輪修理情況之述評




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