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Research of Performance Evaluation of University Teachers’ Adaptability on ICT-based Teaching
作者 鄭雲翔楊浩馮詩曉
Teachers serve as a principal part in ICT-based (Information, Communication and Technology, ICT in short) teaching and pushing the deep integration of information technology and curriculum, as their willingness, endeavor and adaptability within this new teaching form all contributes to the ultimate effectiveness and sustainable development of ICT-Based Teaching. This paper discusses university teachers’ adaptability on ICT-based teaching from the perspective of performance. Specifically, by clarifying factors of how teachers adapt to this kind of teaching and the requirements that pose on them, this paper specifies the performance evaluation content of their adaptability and constructs corresponding indicator system. Upon that a performance evaluation model for university teachers’ adaptability on ICT-based teaching is proposed, on the basis of Capability Maturity Theory. Through practical analysis in three universities, problems and suggestions are provided respectively in order to improve teachers’ adaptability on teaching, make ICT-based teaching a daily routine, and help elevate cultivation in higher education.
起訖頁 021-028
關鍵詞 信息化教学适应性绩效评价高等教育ICT-based TeachingPerformance Evaluation of AdaptabilityHigher Education
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201802 (373期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 学习分析视角下的数字化课堂互动优化研究
該期刊-下一篇 消除在线学习者倦怠:教师情感支持的影响研究




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