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Let Me Be Me!?--A Study of Faculty Coming Out in the College Classroom
作者 駱芳美
A Chinese proverb says, “It's easier to get a teacher of classics than a teacher of man,” which emphasizes how essential it is for a teacher to be authentic to ensure effective teaching. While authenticity, integrity, and honesty are positively associated with disclosure, it is not unusual for LGBTQ faculty to keep silent about their sexual orientation to protect themselves from being stereotyped or discriminated against. This study aims to understand what factors and teaching philosophies influence college professors in their decision to come out in the classroom, and whether and how they impacted the climate of teaching and learning. The participants of this study were ten faculty members from universities in the Midwestern United States. This study collected qualitative data through in-depth interviews and found that the primary motivation for faculty members to come out was their desire to be themselves. The findings of this study indicated that several factors, including the faculty member's family support, professional background, course objectives, life-changing events, safety concern, job security, opportunity to find a role model, and environmental support, influence whether the faculty member comes out professionally. The findings also revealed that faculty members who come out in the classroom believe that the best teaching strategies and materials are based on their authentic selves, that their life story could serve as a role model for students to learn from, and that the best educational outcome is to help students become their authentic selves. These faculty members can serve as a role model to encourage students to be who they are and know that “where there is a will, there is a way." The findings also demonstrated the depth and magnitude of coming out have an impact on the climate of teaching and learning. First of all, when a faculty member is willing to be authentic, it facilitates genuine faculty-student interaction and increases LGBTQ students’ sense of belonging on the college campus. Secondly, by coming out, the faculty member could teach students to respect their own and others’ cultures, to value the essentials of using unbiased language in communication, and to challenge them to think critically and creatively. Finally, by coming out, the faculty member could be conducive to a safety learning environment to empower students to restructure themselves as well as to learn to accept and deal with uncomfortableness that pushes them to expand the horizons of their worldviews.
起訖頁 039-066
關鍵詞 出櫃同志教師自我揭露性取向大學教學coming outLGBTQ facultyself-disclosuresexual orientationcollege teaching
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201705 (39:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 同志伴侶關係與諮商
該期刊-下一篇 缺角齒輪的轉動──幫派少年參與與脫離歷程之探討




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