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A Research on Motivations and Journeys of Gang Juvenile Delinquents
作者 蘇迎臨
本研究縱貫了少年由學習到幫派之參與與脫離歷程。深入訪談4 位從國中時期開始參與幫派生 活,過程經歷「警政」、「社政」及「學校」等系統介入之未滿21 歲之少年,以下列研究目的進行分 析。 一、探討研究對象社會化成幫派少年的動機歷程。 二、比較不同社會情境對於研究對象參與幫派行為的影響及社會控制的解釋力。 最終本研究發現,「間接控制」的傾向,是少年選擇繼續參與或脫離的重要因素,本研究也提供 相關建議如下:
This horizontal study explored the process of juvenile delinquents’ school life, engagements with gangs, and detachments afterwards. This study analyzed how systems—police agency, social affairs, and schools—intervened in the juvenile(under 21) and their gang lives by interviewing four students who had participated in gang affairs since junior high school. The purposes of this research: 1. To investigate juvenile delinquents’ motivational process of participation in criminal gangs. 2. To make a comparison of how different social contexts have an influence on juvenile delinquents’ engagement with criminal gangs and on explanatory power of social control. This study found that the tendency for “indirect controls” significantly affected juvenile delinquents when they opted for whether to stay or detach from gangs. The four suggestions are proposed as follows: 1. In addition to taking the juvenile’s characters into consideration, functions of family should be incorporated into the intervention school programs for the purpose of connection with education curriculums. As a result, education should reach beyond the wall of campus. By the same token, outreach services are needed as a medium for those delinquents to resettle in schools. 2. It is suggested that schools equip themselves with the ability to swiftly detect intrusions of gangs into schools, especially in the junior high school since it is a peak for the most juveniles joining gangs. Also, schools are advised to make corresponding plans to guarantee former gang juveniles’ safety after they detach from them. 3. Outreach services for gang juveniles require cooperation among educational intuitions, family, communities, jurisdiction, and social affairs. Moreover, the good use of school social workers with professional counseling skills is conducive to speeding up the cooperation. 4. Continual post-placement services, including educational or vocational assistance for the former juvenile delinquents or prospective ones prevent them from being recruited by gangs.
起訖頁 067-092
關鍵詞 幫派社會控制校園幫派學校社工師gangsocial controlschool gangschool social worker
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201705 (39:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 勇敢當自己!?──大學教師課堂「出櫃」的探討




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