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Counseling Issues about Same-sex Couples Relationship
作者 劉安真
This study explores some of the important clinical issues for counselors to consider when they work with lesbian and gay couples. Although many similarities are found between same-sex and heterosexual couples, there are many particular circumstances along with counseling difficulties that same-sex couples face as a result of client’s sexual orientation and their gender. One of them is that gay and lesbian couples are vulnerable to societal oppression and marginalization, which spawns multifarious issues regarding couple relationships. Additionally, in terms of gender role, there are certain exclusive issues relating to same-sex couple relationship due to the consequences of socialization in gender role. After reviewing the current literature in the field, some counseling issues concerning same-sex couple relationship emerged as follows: heterosexism and heteronormativity, minority stress, identity development and coming out, social support, family of origin, role and relational ambiguity, a lack of legal recognition and protection, and last but not least, the effects of socialization in gender role on same-sex couples. Implications for clinical practice coupled with suggestions for counselor education are presented in the study.
起訖頁 019-038
關鍵詞 同志伴侶性傾向歧視男同志女同志same-sex couplesheterosexismgaylesbian
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201705 (39:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 涵納差異與攜手前行:同志友善與性別敏感諮商教育之反思與在地實踐
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