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A Cross Level Research of the Voluntary Interpreters' Predictors on Leisure Involvement
作者 黃文雄林永森謝琦強連啟伶
Voluntary interpreters are responsible for conveying the management ideas of every organization and for building up the interactive bridge between tourists and the organization. Ensuring that voluntary interpreters remain involved in the mission of interpretation is important because voluntary interpreters play important communicative roles in leisure and recreation activities. Through this study, the author discussed influential factors with regard to voluntary interpreters' leisure involvement in non-profit organizations, with the aim of providing a reference for the management department. The study discusses the relationships among serious leisure, leisure constraints, and leisure involvement at the individual level, and uses group cohesion at the organizational level as the moderating variable for discussion. The study used voluntary interpreters from non-profit organizations as the sample, investigating 34 non-profit organizations through purposive sampling and then using the method of sampling by convenience to provide questionnaires. The investigation acquired 394 valid samples, manipulating the hierarchical linear model (HLM) to analyze the relationship between the variables. In consequence, “serious leisure” at the individual level for voluntary interpreters has a positive effect on “leisure involvement;” “leisure constraints” has a negative effect on “leisure involvement;” and “group cohesion” at the organizational level has a positive effect on “leisure involvement.”
起訖頁 37-65
關鍵詞 認真性休閒休閒阻礙休閒涉入團隊凝聚力層級線性模式 Serious leisure Leisure constraints Leisure involvement Group cohesion Hierarchical linear model (HLM)
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201612 (29:4期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 探討兒童遊戲設施對兒童遊戲行為之影響
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