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The Influence of Facility Design in Playground on the Play Behaviors of Children
作者 林建堯黃緒庭黃郁琇
本研究以國內外遊戲場照片搭配半結構式訪談來了解兒童對不同遊戲場的遊戲想法。研究共招募37位5-12歲兒童。經質量化分析顯示:(1) 兒童偏好刺激具挑戰性的遊具,如:「滑梯」;(2)兒童偏好具挑戰性的遊戲行為,如:「攀爬」;(3)設施類型會影響兒童的遊戲行為,以「攀爬繩 /網」、「遮蔽空間」與「滑梯」的遊戲行為類型與遊戲行為最多元。可移動並塑形的環境出現較多建構遊戲;可遮蔽、攀爬與滑行的設施較多戲劇遊戲;可遮蔽與攀爬的設施較多規則遊戲。故遊戲設施確實會對兒童遊戲行為產生影響。此外,可供兒童挑戰甚至略帶風險的遊戲環境能增加遊戲吸引力。建議未來可以在遊具的高度、形體變化等增加刺激與挑戰性,同 時創造多樣且能自由遊戲的環境。
In this study, we examined photos of domestic and foreign playgrounds, coupled with the results of semi-structured interviews with children, to understand these children's ideas about different playgrounds. Thirty-seven recruited candidates - children between 5-12 years of age - were interviewed. After the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the results showed that: (1) children preferred facilities with excitement and challenges (e.g., slides); (2) children favored challenging play behavior (e.g., climbing); and (3) the type of facility affects children’s play behavior. The most diverse play behavior was exhibited with climbing rope/nets, shelters, and slides. “Constructive play” was found in the movable and shaping environments. “Dramatic play” appeared at facilities with sheltering, climbing, or sliding functions. “Games with rules” occurred at facilities with sheltering or climbing capabilities. Therefore, the playground facilities do affect the play behavior of children. A place with larger challenges and higher risk characteristics will also increase play attraction. This study suggests that adjusting the height and shapes of facilities in the playground can increase the excitement and challenge those facilities provide, which children were shown to favor. Moreover, designers should create multiple play spaces where children can play freely.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 遊戲行為遊戲行為類型建構遊戲戲劇遊戲規則遊戲Children's play behavior Categories of play Constructive play Dramatic play Games with rules
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201612 (29:4期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
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