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How Much Penalty Should Be Taken If Someone Damages the Wetlands? Based on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
作者 何彥陞張韻華許茗棋高嘉慧蔡佾君官瑀
我國環保裁罰以裁處罰鍰為主,現行法對於危害濕地生態與環境行為之處罰,僅考慮違法行為態樣或違反環境行政法上義務所得之利益, 並未考量環境生態的價值,使得處罰與環境破壞之生態浩劫並不相當。為呼籲政府正視生態環境之價值,近年來有許多生態環境價值評估之研究成 果,惟如何將生態環境價值與環境保育裁罰目前仍未有具體研究。本文透過生態系統暨生物多樣性經濟學之原則,分析生態價值的理論基礎,並檢討我國濕地保育法對於濕地破壞之罰鍰規定。本文以濕地快速評估程序為 計算基礎,於臺灣高美濕地進行模擬,並且採取現地調查法與結構式訪談法,模擬高美濕地遭受破壞時,於政府地價或地租制度下,損害部分的生態價值,以作為環境罰鍰的基礎。
Fines are the main punishment for violating environmental regulations in Taiwan. However, current legal penalties for the ruin of the wetland ecological environment only rest on the illegal benefits or offending obligations of environmental administrative law. The administrative penalties are not considered to have environmental and ecological value; therefore, the punishment is not equal to the ecological catastrophe caused by illegal environmental damage. In order to appeal to the government to take action to address the ecological environment, numerous research projects have been conducted in recent years on the modes for determining the value of the ecological environment. Nevertheless, there is no specific research on how to combine ecological values and environmental conservation penalties. This article discussed the principles of the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity, and analyzed the current economic model and ecological assessment of wetlands; it also reviewed the provisions of the Taiwan Wetland Conservation Act. This article used the wetland rapid assessment procedure to calculate the ecological value, and used the Taiwan Gaomei wetland as a simulation case. We then carried out the field research using the structured interview method. This paper simulated the ecological damage of the Gaomi wetland and used the authoritative land price and the rental price of the coastal land to calculate what fines should be imposed on those who damage the wetland environment.
起訖頁 67-101
關鍵詞 濕地保育法罰鍰濕地快速評估程序高美濕地 Wetlands conservation act Penalty Wetland rapid assessment procedure Gaomei wetland
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201612 (29:4期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 解說志工休閒涉入預測分析之跨層次研究
該期刊-下一篇 行動商務消費者之購買決策過程探討:以選擇餐廳為例




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