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Exploring M-Commerce Consumer Decision-Making Process: A Case of Restaurant Selection
作者 何昶鴛 (Chang-Iuan Ho)黃緒瀚原友蘭陳銘芷
本研究以EKB模式為基礎,探討消費者以智慧型手機作為資訊搜尋工具並選擇餐廳的決策過程。以210位大學生作為樣本,以問卷調查方式收集資料,建構模式並採用偏最小平方法加以驗證。研究結果顯示:消費 者的記憶由內隱性轉為具有外顯性,並對於後續之資訊搜尋有所影響。受 訪者首先進行內部搜尋,而後轉向行動網路搜尋。搜尋資訊之際,也篩選資訊並將其儲存於手機。同時透過社會性資訊搜尋詢問他人的意見與進行討論,對於決策訂定有更大的影響性;亦發現受訪者省略方案評估而直接 選定餐廳。研究結果有助於瞭解行動商務消費者如何選擇餐廳,並提供業者適當的行銷建議。本研究所提出的模式架構可作為發展更完整的行動商務消費者決策過程的基礎。
By revisiting the traditional EKB model and examining the underlying assumptions in the mobile Internet context, we propose a consumer decision-making process model for selecting restaurants and explore its validity. The model is empirically assessed by 210 valid samples using the partial least square technique. A survey was implemented and the respondents comprised students from two universities in Taiwan. One of the major contributions to this research is to explicitly identify intrinsic elements, such as the cognitive load (memory storage) and information processing, and their effects on consumer decision-making. It appears that restaurant consumers via the platform of smartphones do not always go through the traditional elaborate sequence of making decisions, and instead make decisions faster than they did in the older business environment. The research results demonstrate that both social searches and individual mobile searches have direct positive associations with purchasing behavior. Furthermore, the new construct of social searching has a greater impact than individual searches on purchasing. The implications of the research results are discussed and suggestions for future research are also proposed.
起訖頁 103-133
關鍵詞 消費者購買決策消費者決策過程模式社會性資訊搜尋餐 廳選擇行動商務The EKB model Consumer decision-making process model Social search Restaurant selection M-commerce
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201612 (29:4期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 破壞濕地應該罰多少?一個生態系統暨生物多樣性經濟學觀點




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