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Huang Zongxi’s Reconstruction of the Tai Zhou School’s Historical Image: A Case Study of Textual Problems in the Biography of Yan Jun in Mingru Xuean
作者 劉勇
Used as an indispensable sourcebook for the study of Ming Confucianism and the intellectual history of the Ming dynasty, Mingru Xuean 明儒學案, Case Biographies of Ming Confucians by Huang Zongxi 黃宗羲 (1610- 1695) is not invariably authentic. To illustrate this, the present paper focuses on textual problems in the biography of Yan Jun 顏鈞 (1504-1596). Huang Zongxi’s selective account of the Tai Zhou School 泰州學派) in Mingru Xuean effectively reformed its image. Consequently, most researchers take Huang’s portrayal for granted and do not probe into the validity of the information presented. In this paper, a thorough textual study of the content of Yan Jun’s biography is conducted, along with analysis of the reference sources which Huang Zongxi used for this biography. Based on many original historical documents, this paper shows how the original texts were misrepresented, distorted, and even falsified. Furthermore, this paper discusses Huang Zongxi’s motivations for deviating from historical facts. While Huang Zongxi was compiling Mingru Xuean, much criticism prevailed against the Wang Yangming School 陽明學 and the Tai Zhou School. As a result, Huang’s biography of Yan Jun was calculated in content, with a desire to thereby defend the Tai Zhou School.
起訖頁 165-196
關鍵詞 陽明學泰州學派明儒學案黃宗羲顏鈞Wang Yangming SchoolTai Zhou SchoolMingru XueanHuang ZongxiYan Jun
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200803 (26:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 文人化與折衷化的改編--從「元刊本」與《元曲選》的《薛仁貴》說起
該期刊-下一篇 李光地之卦主理論及卦主釋《易》論析




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