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On Li Guangdi’s Theory of Guazhu and His Interpretation of Yijing on the Basis of This Guazhu Theory
作者 楊自平
Li Guangdi 李光地 studied Yijing 易經 in a way similar to Zhu Xi 朱熹, who used an approach that combined both divination numbers and philosophical exegeses. In addition, Li Guangdi also emphasized the importance of the constant principles found in the book, especially that of guazhu 卦主 (a theory holding that there is one or more dominating lines in a hexagram). According to Li’s guazhu theory, each hexagram has a dominatingfactor yao and a dominating-position yao. He proposes a way to identify these, and delineates the dominating-factor yaos for the 64 hexagrams, as well as identifying some hexagrams with dominating-position yaos. Li also explains the hexagrams and monograms based on their respective dominating factor. This paper shows how Li Guangdi amalgamated previous studies of guazhu to form his own theory, and explains the principles of recognizing dominatingfactor yaos and dominating-position yaos. Moreover, how he used this theory to explain the names of the hexagrams and their explanations is also scrutinized. It is hoped that through understanding Li’s use of his guazhu theory to interpret Yijing we can better understand his interpretations of Yijing.
起訖頁 197-230
關鍵詞 李光地易學折中卦主周易折中Li Guangditheories on Yijingeclectic interpretationguazhu theoryZhouyi Zhezhong
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200803 (26:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 黃宗羲對泰州學派歷史形象的重構--以《明儒學案》〈顏鈞傳〉的文本檢討為例
該期刊-下一篇 歧舌國的不傳之密--從《李氏音鑑》、《鏡花緣》反思當前漢語音韻學的傳播




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