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The Secret of the Forked-Tongue Kingdom: An Examination of the Circulation of Chinese Phonology Based on Lishi Yinjian and Jinghuayuan
作者 王松木
The traditional Chinese phonetic system fanqie 反切, considered by most to be a discontinued science, is not only confusing to present day linguists, even the ancients had difficulty with it. This can be seen from the fact that they redacted many classics into beginning primers. One of the most noticeable and effective materials produced of this sort was done by Li Ruzhen (1763-1830). Li was both a propagator and a practitioner of the methods he proposed. His attitudes toward phonology are presented in Lishi Yinjian 李氏音鑑 and JinghuayuanSTU. Although many scholars in the past have written much about these two books, most studies are centered on historical phonology and the construction of the phonological system found in the books. This paper analyzes them from a different angle- in addition to reanalyzing Li’s role of practitioner, attention will be given to his remarkable contributions in popularizing phonology. It is hoped that this paper will provide a fuller understanding of Li’s phonological achievements, as well as possibilities in popularizing Chinese phonology today.
起訖頁 231-260
關鍵詞 李汝珍李氏音鑑鏡花緣音韻學傳播Li RuzhenLishi YinjianJinghuayuanphonologycirculation
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200803 (26:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 李光地之卦主理論及卦主釋《易》論析
該期刊-下一篇 從認知語言學角度探討臺灣閩南語「食ciah8」的多義性




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