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孫中山「平均地權」的觀念根源探索: 以歐美的學術理論與日本同好 具體實踐之間的互動為中心
The Origin of Sun Yat-sen’s “Equalization of Land Rights” Policy: The Influences from the EuroAmerican Theories and the Active Interactions with Japanese Comrades
作者 黃自進
The “Equalization of Land Rights” is the core concept of the “Principal of Minsheng”. However, this core concept encountered opposition and passive resistance from the comrades in the early years during Sun Yat-sen’s revolution. This article will first explore the formation of Sun Yat-sen’s land policy and his theoretical foundation. Especially focusing on the economic theory and the foreign case studies he previously encountered to analyze the innovation of his “Equalization of Land Rights” policy. In addition, it focuses on the exchange between Sun Yat-sen and Mizayaki Tamizou to clarify why many core concepts such as the “Equalization of Land Rights” and the “Land Value Increment to the Public” were all published in Japan during the construction of the “Principal of Minsheng”
起訖頁 135-179
關鍵詞 孫中山宮崎民藏民生主義平均地權Sun Yat-senMizayaki TamizouThe Principle of MinshengThe Equalization of Land Rights
刊名 思與言  
期數 201603 (54:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 近代日本漢文教育問題與「經學」之退場: 以《明治漢文教科書集成》所作之考察
該期刊-下一篇 照耀民族主義的外國月亮: 細讀藤井省三〈「大東亞戰爭」時期的 皇民文學〉,兼及文學史研究的 一點理論性自省




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