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照耀民族主義的外國月亮: 細讀藤井省三〈「大東亞戰爭」時期的 皇民文學〉,兼及文學史研究的 一點理論性自省
The Exotic Moon Shining Over Nationalism: a Close Reading of the Komin Literature in the Pan East Asian War Period by Fujii Shozo and Some Theoretical Reflections on Literary and Cultural History
作者 林運鴻
Japanese scholar Fujii Shozo offeres an interesting explanation of the Taiwanese Komin Literature during Japanese Occupation: he holds that because of the widespread use of the Japanese Language and popularity of literary works, what is called public sphere was gradually formed in Taiwan society, while the reading market was maturing. Besides, masscirculated literary publications stimulated the collective consciousness of the Taiwanese. Therefore, the nationalism of Taiwan in its infancy could be observed. The present paper holds that (1) Fuji Shozo actually misplaced such theoretical concepts of “print capitalism” and “public sphere”. These concepts are intended for specific historical circumstances, rather than those of colonial Taiwan. (2) Under the overwhelming reign of the Japanese colonial government, the maturation of the “public sphere” faced its hardships. (3) The concept of “print capitalism” is an inadequate explanation for the formation of Taiwanese Nationalism during Japanese Occupation. Last but not least, what is to be borne in mind is that what we call “theory” is, in a sense, specific depiction of the society of Western Europe and cannot integrate local experiences into an all-encompassing cultural and historical model that rigidifies the knowledge of our own uniqueness.
起訖頁 181-230
關鍵詞 皇民文學印刷資本主義公共領域臺灣民族主義臺灣文學史Komin LiteraturePrint CapitalismPublic SphereTaiwanese NationalismTaiwanese Literary History
刊名 思與言  
期數 201603 (54:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 孫中山「平均地權」的觀念根源探索: 以歐美的學術理論與日本同好 具體實踐之間的互動為中心
該期刊-下一篇 從「眠獅」到「睡獅」: 梁啟超睡獅說淵源新論




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