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近代日本漢文教育問題與「經學」之退場: 以《明治漢文教科書集成》所作之考察
Problems about Education on Chinese in Modern Japan and Confucian Classics’ Retreat: Through Integrations of Textbooks of Chinese in Meiji Period
作者 金培懿
This paper analyses the problems about education on Chinese in Meiji Japan through the textbooks in Integrations of Textbooks of Chinese in Meiji Period. There are four characteristics of education on Chinese in Meiji Japan can be seen. First, it was controlled by the government’s ideology. Second, the time to start learning Chinese was postponed to the period in junior high school, and it augured the trivialization of education on Chinese. Third, with Japan stood for its national prestige, only the articles that mixed up Chinese and Japanese could be collected into the textbooks. Fourth, Tong Cheng School’s works displaced the classics before Song Dynasty to be collected into the textbooks. The textbooks are limited by political and academic factors. The trivialization of education on Chinese also showed the collision of Chinese and Japanese. This kind of education on Chinese was made to “go into Europe” and let people be Japanized. The most important problem is Confucian Classics’ retreat. It shows the collapse of old civilization and the negation of learning of Confucian Classics.
起訖頁 91-133
關鍵詞 明治漢學漢文教科書漢文教育經學《明治漢文教科書集成》Sinology in Meiji Japantextbooks of Chineseeducation on ChineseConfucian classicsIntegrations of Textbooks of Chinese in Meiji Period
刊名 思與言  
期數 201603 (54:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 《坂の上の雲》之武士精神: 與明治期武士道之比較
該期刊-下一篇 孫中山「平均地權」的觀念根源探索: 以歐美的學術理論與日本同好 具體實踐之間的互動為中心




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