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Technology Acceptance or Switch? An Exploration and Examination of Technology Switch Model
作者 李國瑋
Technology acceptance mode(l TAM)mainly focuses on user's acceptance of new technology. However, for users, the acceptance of new technology may imply two situations: one is that users never use any prior technology before they accept new technology, the other is that users had used prior technology before they accept new technology. The primary goal of this study is to analyze and compare the situations of technology acceptance and technology switch, therefore to develop a technology switch model(TSM). Empirical results show that the relationships among the constructs of TAM model are significantly different between technology acceptance group and technology switch group. It means that the two groups are different from each other. The study further examines the TSM and finds out that the factors related to prior technology will affect the users' switch from prior to present technology. The finding implies that TSM can offer an explanation for the phenomenon of technology switch. The research result is expected to be helpful for the building of technology switch model and offer more understanding and explanation on the phenomenon of technology switch.
起訖頁 183-223
關鍵詞 科技接受模式科技轉換模式轉換成本technology acceptance modeltechnology switch modelswitch cost
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201612 (18:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 運用服務導向架構發展中小企業之雲端碳足跡運算系統
該期刊-下一篇 基於漸增式分群法之惡意程式自動分類研究




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