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Development of a Cloud Carbon Footprint Computing System for Small-Median Sized Business with Service-Oriented Architecture Approach
作者 項衛中彭定國劉偉聖
Recently, greenhouse effect has made the global climate change and seriously threatens to human survival; therefore, global warming and "Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction" have become global major issues. Many countries have asked companies to provide carbon footprint information of products. This research first identified services for the carbon footprint information system by utilizing the concept of service oriented architecture (SOA), and then designed the system to meet supply chain requirements for small-median sized business. This system could analyze and evaluate carbon footprint of products for the supply chain companies. The services with flexibility in the system could cope with environment changes and help enterprise to rapidly response to the changes. Google cloud environment was used in this research as the services development and deployment platform. A carbon footprint service App can be downloaded in the Google cloud; therefore supply chain partners could input carbon footprint data by the services and share information with each other in the cloud. With high availability, flexibility, and scalability of the system, this system helps supply chain partners to decrease data processing time and communication time. Supply chain partners could develop carbon reduction alternatives together more smoothly.
起訖頁 141-181
關鍵詞 中小企業碳足跡服務導向架構雲端運算Small-median sized businesscarbon footprintservice-oriented architecturecloud computing
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201612 (18:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 科技接受或轉換?科技轉換模式的初探與驗證




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