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Automatic malware classification based on incremental clustering algorithm
作者 陳嘉玫賴谷鑫
In recent years, cybercriminals have developed new malware or variants in order to effectively evade inspection from security mechanisms. Most prior works focused on analyzing malware which contain only single binary file. However, most honeypot captured malware contain several binary and source files. Therefore, existing malware analysis approaches do not suitable for honeypot captured malware. In this research, a novel malware classification approach which analyzes features extracted from malware’s file structure, source code and binary files and file name is proposed. An incremental clustering algorithm is developed to replace traditional hierarchical clustering algorithm for improving efficiency. By means of proposed system, when a honeypot captures a new malware, IT security staff could know whether the new malware belongs to any existing clusters or not. To evaluate the performance of proposed system, the proposed approach is compared with Virustotal- a popular platform for malware detection and classification. The experiment result shows that the proposed approach outperforms Virustotal.
起訖頁 225-247
關鍵詞 誘捕系統惡意程式分類靜態分析漸增式分群HoneypotClassification of MalwareStatic analysisIncremental clustering
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201612 (18:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 科技接受或轉換?科技轉換模式的初探與驗證
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