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The Rise of Huwei Town, Taiwan During Japanese Ruled Period
作者 丁崑健
虎尾街是日治時期的新興街庄 , 由於大日本製糖株式會社在此設立製糖工場 , 帶動當地的繁榮 。 大量人口遷入 , 私設鐵道使虎尾成為區域交通中心 , 商業興起﹔原料甘蕪的生產與收購,也造成周圍農村更加具有活力 。 從大屯子區到虎尾庄到虎尾街的發展 , 可以聊看到台灣社會變遷的一個實例。
In the year of 1910,Huwei was still a village community. Since Giant Japanese Sugar-works Company built its Taiwan sugarfactory at Wu. ” Chien-Chu , a large amount of employees and their families emigrated here. Therefore , other services and merchants gathered around this village. The population growing, the communication and transportation systems were developing and schools being built. In 1920, Huwei Town was named to take the place of the old name of Wu-Chier卜Chu( Five-houses ) and became the capitol of the new Huwei County . The population of Huwei Town in 1920 was 13,012﹔in 1941 it grew to over 30,000 . The budget of the town in 1928 was about 64,000 Yen a year, but in the year of 1941 it increased to 410,000. Therefore Huwei became a modern town. Why and how did Huwei arise within the time of a generation is the topic I like to discuss.
起訖頁 75-110
關鍵詞 虎尾台灣史社會變遷HuweiTaiwan historysocial change
刊名 白沙歷史地理學報  
期數 200610 (2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學歷史學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論證《明代御製黃河萬里圖》應繪製於清康熙時期
該期刊-下一篇 漁塭變軍港──萬丹港之歷史地理研究




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