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A study on the transformation of Bangtan port from fish farm to naval port
作者 李文環
萬丹港亦即今日左營海軍軍港,因其濃濃的軍事寡圍,昔日的歷史發展向為人們所淡忘。本文在有限的文獻資料下,試圖重建萬丹港歷史地理演變的脈絡。早在荷蘭時期,萬丹港與打狗港、!燒港即已出現歷史舞台,當時萬丹港乃小戒克船停泊貿易的港口,同時也是捕魚、砍伐柴薪的處所之一,開發為時甚早。地理形勢上,其位於打狗山與半屏山之間,構成峙山控海的氣勢。1696年清廷決定將鳳山縣縣治,設於萬丹港東側的興隆莊(今日高雄市左營),不無與此地理形勢有關。然而萬丹港港口冬天為沙流阻斷,春夏雨水沖開才有港道,其港口窄小,港內逐漸淤積成鴻湖。乾嘉之際,周邊住民築海圍墟,萬丹港的貿易功能可說喪失殆盡,而成為養殖業的天地在萬丹港轉變成鹹水漁坦之際,打狗港維持港口的貿易的功能,兩港口貿易消長的背後,也透露興隆庄與下埠頭街(今日鳳山市)的榮枯。下埠頭街興起於康熙末期,嘉慶、道光年間雖歷經多次民變的破壞,依然欣欣向榮。相反地,興隆舊城於1788年遭林爽文事件的襲擊後,就鳳山縣持續段頗長的新、舊城爭議。縱然1826年8月清廷將舊城改建為堅固的石城,新城仍是實質的縣治所在﹔即使福建巡撫曾嚴令知縣速遷回舊城,鳳山官民仍延若不遷,最後仍以新城為縣治,爭議始告結束。興隆舊城陷於一種長期衰退的現象,這不能說與萬丹港退化為魚I且沒有關係。日本領台以後,隨著 1908年打狗築港帶動新興產業,新市區從今日哈瑪星、鹽埋與鼓山一帶發展開來。地理上,高雄港市與華南、南洋的近接性,使其成為日本帝國南進的前哨站。在日中十五年戰爭開戰之前,日 本帝國有計畫性地 將大高雄地區軍事化、要塞化﹔開戰之後,對於大高雄的軍事部署當然更為積極,將高雄港北側的萬丹港闢建為海軍軍港就是最重要的指標。1937年以後,萬丹港及其周邊被改造為高雄軍港,軍事色彩完全遮掩昔日的光彩迄今。
The memory about historical development of Bangtan, Zuoying navy naval port of Kaohsiung, is fading today because of its military character. Under the limited in resources, this article attempts to reconstruct the historical and geographical evolution of Bangtan. As early as in the Dutch er咒Bangtanport, Takao port and Zoo port were appeared in the historical annals. Bangtan was a h·ading and fishing harbor for ju叫心aswell as one of felling firewood quarters at that time. Thus it was pioneered really early in Taiwan. It located between Takao Mountain and Ban-Ping Hill that contributed to great geographical features. The Ch'ing Empire decided that Xing-Long (興隆莊),a village on eastern shore of Bangtan port, the old city of Zuoying in Kaohsiung today, became the political center of Fengshan County in 1696. This decision was related to the geography situation of Bangtan port. However the harbor of Bangtan was so small and natTOW, and gradually silted up for the drift sand in the port, finally changed into a lagoon. When Bangtan port gradually transformed into a fish farm process during Ch'ienlung-Chiach'ing Dynasty, Takao port still maintain its trading function. The trading background of these two harbors explored the future of Xing-Long and Xia-Pi-Tou (下埠頭銜),the Fengshan city today. The Xia-Pi-Tou emerged in K'anghsi Dynasty last stage. Although it had been destroyed many times because of rebellion in the Chiac﹜1'ing -Daoguang Dynasty, it was still prosperous. By contrast, the old city of Xing-Long suffered attack by Shuang-wen Lin event in 1788, and resulted in dispiriting suddenly. Although the Ch'ing empire rebuilt the old city of Xing-Long for the firm stone wall in August 1826, the new town of Xia-Pi-Tou gradually became the substantive county government. The Fujian governor once strict order county magistrate that county government should transferred back the old city of Xing-Long with in a short time. However, the officials and people did not move back. Finally provincial government decided new town as the new county government, ended the long-term disputation over the locus of county government. Briefly, the old city of Xing Long fall into long-tenn decline, this related to Bangtan port degenerated to a fish farm. In Japan ruled Taiwan, Takao, the Kaohsiung city today, was constructed into a modernized harbor that promoted emerging industry and urban development since 1908. The new urban district developed very quickly from the area including today’s Hamasen (哈瑪星),Yanchen (鹽垣)and Gushan (鼓山)From the view of geography, because Takao is closed by South China and South Asia, it became a outpost for Japanese empire in order to meet the purpose of advancing South Asia. Therefore, Kaohsiung had been programmed militarized and fortified by Japanese empire before the 15-Year-War( 1931-1945). During the China-Japan War, military deployment had been more developed in Kaohsiung. Therefore, constructing Bangtan port that located on north side of Kaohsiung to a navy naval port became the most important goal. Since 193 7, Bangtan port and its peripheral area were constructed into the Kaohsiung naval port, and its original characteristic was covered by its military function completely.
起訖頁 111-149
關鍵詞 萬丹港左營海軍軍港高雄港Bangtan portZuoying nanr naval portKaohsiung port
刊名 白沙歷史地理學報  
期數 200610 (2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學歷史學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 日治時期虎尾街的興起
該期刊-下一篇 南投縣民眾對土石流災害防救認知程度之研究




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