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Argument of The “Ten Thousand Miles of Yellow River Imperially Drawn in Ming Dynasty' should be drawn in Kang Shi's Imperial Authority in Ching Dynasty
作者 蔡泰彬
黃河萬里圖為譚鎮遠所收藏 , 於民國58年(1969)複製出版 , 據于斌等人的序言 , 此圖為明太祖派畫官周位等人所繪製。但李錫甫隨即發表(黃河萬里圖地理考註〉 一文,認為此圖繪於明代嘉靖39年(1560)以後。 吾人據圖中所繪黃河、准河、運河上的水利工程論定應為清康熙16 年 (1677)~26年(1687) , 河道總督斬輔派人所繪製。
“Ten Thousand Miles of Yellow River' was collected by Mr. Jen-Yuan Tan, and copied and published in 1969. Based on the preface by Mr. Bin Yu et 訓,thepainting was made by Wei Jou and others dispatched by Emperor Ming Taizu in Ming Dynasty. However, in the article “Geographic Annotations on Ten Thousand Miles of Yellow River “issued by Shi-Fu Lee immediately after the publishing, Shi-Fu Lee argued that the painting would not be made until after the 39111 Year of Emperor Jia Jing of Ming Dynasty(l 560). From the analysis of the hydraulic engineering construction in the Yellow River, Huai River and the Canal on the painting, we inferred that the painting should be made between the 16th and 26th Year of Emperor Kang Shi of Ching Dynasty( 1677~1687) by people dispatched by Fu Jin, the Governor-General of River Course then.
起訖頁 27-73
關鍵詞 黃河黃河萬里圖運河准河斬輔Yellow RiverTen Thousand Miles of Yellow RiverCanalHual RiverFu Jin
刊名 白沙歷史地理學報  
期數 200610 (2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學歷史學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從川黔古道論漢唐時期黔北之發展
該期刊-下一篇 日治時期虎尾街的興起




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