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On the Development of Northern Guizhou in Han and Tang Times, As Seen From the Old Chuanqian Road
作者 廖幼華
本文透過 「五尺道」、「 南夷路」及「黔中群柯主道」在川黔間行經路線的論證 ,來說明交通路線之開鑿使用,如何促進中原文化在貴州北部地 區的發展。貴州地理環境不佳,土地貧瘖叉交通不便,卻控扼川湘滇三省要路 ,秦漢時為監控雲貴及嶺南各個部族小國,開闖了「五尺道」與「 南夷路」,黔西北地區得以開發,漢文化影響也逐漸向南延伸。唐朝時貴州處在經制 州 、羈靡州及氏族藩屬國三個交錯區域間 , 彼此勢力拉扯形成並存局面。且因西邊外患嚴重,軍事重心西移至四川,川滇間主要驛路「石門道」不再進入貴州境內 , 黑今西北地區發展趨緩。給東北地區則因烏江水系通航之便,秦漢即有漢人及中原文化進入,在「黔中拌柯主道」成為長江流域進入給境主要通道以後 , 發展更形快速,唐朝時常東北已是貴州漠化最深也最穩定的地區﹔交通路線對區域發展之重要性由此可見。
This article uses the Wuchi Road, Nanyi Road, and Central Guizhou Zangke Main Road between Sichuan and Guizhou to explain the opening and uses of transportation routes, and how these favored the development of Zhongyuan culture in northern Guizhou. The geographical environment of Guizhou is far from ideal. The land is infertile and transport is inconvenient. Nevertheless the major roads were still sufficient to exert control over the small tribal nations of Yungui and Lingnan during the Qin and Han era. With the opening of the Wuchi Road and Nanyi Road, the northwest Guizhou area was able to develop and Han cultural influence gradually extended southward. During the Tang, power was exerted over major parts of the Guiz﹜1ou region, including lineage tributary states. Although the focus of conflict shifted westward toward the direction of Sichuan, the Shimen Road between Sichuan and Yunnan did not extend as far as Guizhou. Nevertheless, northwest Guizhou continued to develop. Due to the convenience of transportation along the Wujiang River, Han people were able to enter northeast Guizhou during the Qin and Han dynasties. After the Central Guizhou Zangke Main Road became the main entry point into Guizhou企om the Yangtze River basin, the pace of development increased. During the Tang, northeast Guizhou had already become a highly sinicized and stable area, demonstrating the importance of transportation routes to regional development.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 五尺道南夷路將中拌柯主道行政建置貴州Wuchi RoadNanyi RoadCentral Guizhou Zangke Main RoadGuizhou
刊名 白沙歷史地理學報  
期數 200610 (2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學歷史學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 論證《明代御製黃河萬里圖》應繪製於清康熙時期




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