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藥物食品檢驗局調查研究年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Microbial Survey on Raw Goat's Milk and Goat's Milk Products
作者 張翠瑛翁凱平施養志
民國78年9月至79年6月由台北市、高雄市及台灣省各地區之養羊戶、超級市場、藥房等地,抽購生羊乳30件及羊乳製品120件(包括鮮羊乳44件、調味羊乳35件、保久羊乳6件及羊乳粉類35件),共計150件,檢驗生菌數、大腸桿菌群、大腸桿菌及抗菌物質等項目。檢驗結果在生羊乳方面,本次抽購30件之生菌數範間為1.5×102~8.8×108 CFU/ml,超過甲級生乳標準(1.0×106 CFU/ml)者達33.3%,大腸桿菌群陽性有24件,大腸桿菌陽性者亦有4件。在羊乳製品方面,不符衛生標準者:44件鮮羊乳中有7件,佔15.9%,35件調味羊乳中有8件,22.8%,保久羊乳及羊乳粉類則均符合衛生標準。所有150件檢體之抗菌物質則均未檢出。
In a 10-month survey (Sep. 1989~June 1990), 150 samples of goat's milk and goat's milk products (including 30 raw milk samples, 45 fresh milk samples, 35 flavored milk samples, 6 sterilized milk samples and 35 whole milk powder samples) were purchased from the farm, supermarkets and drug stores in Taiwan and tested for total bacterial counts, coliforms and antibiotic residues. The results showed that the range of total bacterial counts of 30 samples of raw milk were 1.5×102~8.8×108 CFU/ml and that 24 samples were positive for coliform test. Seven samples (15.9%) of fresh goat's milk and 8 samples (22.8%) of flavored goat's milk failed to meet the hygienic requirement of milk products. All sterilized milk and whole milk powder met the hygienic requirement. The antibiotic residue tests of all 150 samples were negative.
起訖頁 120-128
關鍵詞 羊乳羊乳製品衛生狀況調查Raw Goat's MilkGoat's Milk ProductsMicrobial Survey
刊名 藥物食品檢驗局調查研究年報  
期數 1993 (11期)
出版單位 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署
該期刊-上一篇 併用半透模透析,肉羹增菌及實驗動物毒害法篩選市售蜂蜜與嬰兒食品中肉毒桿菌孢子
該期刊-下一篇 真空包裝食品中長桿菌屬細菌之汙染




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