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The Rights of Refugees under International Law: A Case Study of Rohingya Refugees
作者 蔡育岱
在國際法相關難民問題上,依據1951 年《關於難民地位公約》和1967 年《關於難民地位的議定書》定義,緬甸羅興亞人無庸置疑可被歸類為國際難民,並予以保護。另外基於《世界人權宣言》第14 條,「人人有權在其他國家尋求和享受庇護以避免迫害」,各締約國應給予尋求庇護之羅興亞人適當的保護。各國尤其是東協國家,應該依據其所批准之《關於難民地位公約》與《關於難民地位的議定書》,促進羅興亞難民的處置,並應至少尊重國際習慣法中「難民不得送回原則」作為其適用之法規。爰本文主要目的將以羅興亞難民為案例,探討國際法律規範下的國際難民問題。文章始於羅興亞難民的歷史背景介紹,加以檢視相關國際法在難民地位問題上的演變。最後,本文也涉及羅興亞難民的無國籍身份討論,以及目前國際社會對此規範的具體實踐。
Based on the international law pertaining to the issue of refugees, Rohingya People of Myanmar could be protected and categorized as the international refugees. The Rohingya People, fulfilled the requirements to be categorized as refugees, based on the meaning of refugee in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee and the 1967 Protocol. Before the Rohingyas get a refugee status, they are asylum-seekers who should get a protection from all the states. It is based on the article 14 of Universal Declarations of Human Rights which states that everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Each state, especially ASEAN members, should ratify the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its protocol in order to promote the shelter of refugees, in the case of Rohingya refugees. Otherwise, all the states should respect the customary international law which is non-refoulement principle as the guidance to their applicable regulation relating to the Rohingya refugees. Hence, the main purpose of the article is to evaluate the international legal framework for international refugees by interpreting the case of Rohingya refugees. It commences with a background of the Rohingya refugees and an overview of how the status of refugees was evolved as a legal concept throughout the framework of international law. Finally, the paper explores a discussion of stateless persons reflections on the Rohingya refugees and how it to international norms is currently being implemented and practiced by the international society.
起訖頁 73-97
關鍵詞 國際法難民羅興亞難民無國籍者International LawRefugeeRohingya RefugeeStateless Persons
刊名 台灣國際法季刊  
期數 201512 (12:4期)
出版單位 臺灣國際法學會
該期刊-上一篇 區域人權規約的普世性與獨特性分析:以非洲聯盟為例
該期刊-下一篇 香港國籍與護照的多重性--兼論港人身份認同的流動性




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