中文摘要 |
近期全球貿易凸顯的新現象是全球貿易的成長持續低於全球國內生產總值(Gross Domestic Product, 簡稱GDP)。2005年以前,全球貿易量的成長速度一直比產量為快,且通常是比後者快兩倍。但自2000年以後兩者間的差距開始縮小,而至2005年起GDP增長超越貿易成長速度(除2008年全球金融風暴後短暫例外)。此一發展伴隨而來的驚人事實是新智能技術與跨境資料流動的竄起。許多國際公司正採用新技術如3D來生產零件與組件,這對中國的創新與工業升級議程構成新的而且是迫切的挑戰。目前中國已高度融入全球價值鏈(global value chain, GVC)之中,且就全球附加價值而言已成為世界最大的製造王國。但若檢視服務業、製造業與主要出口對GVC參與的貢獻,中國服務業對製造業出口的貢獻,與南韓、日本與其他新興經濟體相較,仍然很低(尤其是在研發、設計與商業服務等)。這意味著中國不斷增加的研發與技術創新支出並未能產出相對應的成效,出口的競爭力仍主要來自製造與加工的活動。此一情況有賴進一步改善中國的創新生態體系 (ecosystem) 。 |
英文摘要 |
A new phenomenon of the global trade is that its growth has been lower than the global GDP growth. Before 2005, global trade has been growing much faster than the output, and used to be twice as fast, however, since 2000, the gap between the global trade growth and GDP growth began to narrow, and from 2005, the GDP growth surpassed the trade growth except the brief period following the 2008 financial crisis. A striking fact that accompanies this change is the rapid emergence of new intelligence technologies and trans-border data flow. Many international companies are adopting new technologies such as 3D to manufacture parts and components. This poses new and more urgent challenges to China’s innovation and industrial upgrading agenda. Currently China is highly integrated into the global value chain, and has become the biggest manufacturing country in terms of global value added. However, when examining the contributions of services, manufacturing and primary exports to the global value chain (GVC) participation, the contribution of Chinese services (especially R&D, design, and business services, etc.) to the manufacturing exports is still low compared with Korea, Japan and other emerging economies. This shows that China’s increasing inputs in R&D and technology innovation has not yielded the commensurate outputs and the export competitiveness is still mainly coming from the manufacturing and processing activities. This situation calls for further improvements in its innovation ecosystem. |