中文摘要 |
一篇2002年的英國期刊以牛津大學生理學教授團隊為首的Gesch, Hammond, Hampson, Eves, &Crowder(2002)以雙盲實驗研究證實充足的營養使實驗組減少監獄暴行35%,而停用後又恢復原來水準,且與對照組達顯著差異。這一篇嚴謹的研究讓兩位作者決定撰寫本文。在文中介紹營養學中之六大營養素及其對神經心理的重要性。再來則對營養對犯罪預防與犯罪者矯正的國外現有實證研究做一文獻分析。營養預防犯罪中有一篇加州大學Schoenthaler及Bier(2000)將兩組各40位國小學童做對照,發現給予營養品之組減少47%之偏差行為而對照組則沒顯著減少。此均在在證明營養對犯罪的預防與治療有實證效果。最後,作者提出國內未來的短中長期的政策與研究建議。 |
英文摘要 |
A British journal article from the Oxford University, Gesch, Hammond, Hampson, Eves, & Crowder (2002), did experimental, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial of nutritional supplements on 231 young adult prisoners, comparing disciplinary offences before and during supplementation. The experiment group had a 35.1% reduction of offenses. Because of this article, the authors decided to review the six important nutrients and how it works on the neuropsychology. Then this review had also included recent empirical studies related to the influence of nutrients on crime prevention and corrections. Schoenthaler & Bier (2000), the professors at University of California, used experimental trial to testified the 40 children with nutritional supplements had significantly reduced 43% delinquents. All of the above show the nutrition has a significant influence on criminal behavior. In the end, some suggestions had been made on the policy and researches, based on the short, middle, and long terms. |