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Ronald H. Coase: 一個完整的經濟學家
Ronald H. Coase: A Wholesome Economist
作者 劉瑞華
1991 Nobel Prize laureate in Economics Ronald H. Coase died on September 2, 2013, aged 102, leaving a unique legacy to the economics colleagues. Professor Coase established himself as a scholar of pioneering character that started from the time he graduated from the university and carried over during his entire academic career. Consequently he created the theories of transaction cost and property rights, and led the way to the development of New Institutional Economics. This paper was driven by my personal brief contact with Professor Coase and written with the content of reviewing how I was inspired by his works in school and following his academic direction later in my teaching and research career. I wrote this paper after Professor Coase's death was announced to sincerely pay my respect to this great master in economics.
起訖頁 205-217
關鍵詞 寇斯交易成本財產權Ronald H. CoaseTransaction CostProperty Rights
刊名 思與言  
期數 201612 (54:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 緬懷寇斯:兼談「經濟分析法學」的修行
該期刊-下一篇 「槁木」與「輕身」:《莊子》注疏、詩人具身認知、醫家辨證的跨 界討論




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