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In Memoriam: Ronald H. Coase and My Immersion in Law and Economics
作者 劉紹樑
This paper pays tribute to Ronald H. Coase, a founder of the law and economics (L&E) movement. It traces his relationship with the University of Chicago and discusses the author's immersion in L&E. I discuss the origin, methodology, development and impact of this interdisciplinary approach in the last half century. I use the term of immersion or pilgrimage to highlight how it has affected the author's own thinking and research. This paper begins by recounting how the author became exposed to L&E around his arrival at the University of Chicago as a student, and sets forth how the work of giants like Coase first came as a shock to the uninitiated author, who later embraced it wholeheartedly. The paper contains a summary of Coase's contribution and some anecdotes surrounding the publication of his important papers. In passing, the author describes his own research in recent years, in areas like capital market reform, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, de-regulation, property right and urban renewal, and how the L&E approach has influenced his scholarship. This paper closes by describing Coase's work before passing away, and his disillusion with today's mathematics-infatuated economics profession. It argues that L&E as espoused by Coase will be more influential if it can convert practitioners like the author
起訖頁 183-203
關鍵詞 法律與經濟寇斯交易成本經濟革新臺灣Law and EconomicsCoaseTransaction CostEconomic ReformTaiwan
刊名 思與言  
期數 201612 (54:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 ㄏㄝㄣ ㄋㄚ ‧,感恩,Coase
該期刊-下一篇 Ronald H. Coase: 一個完整的經濟學家




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