中文摘要 |
十七世紀德意志學者萊布尼茨 (G. W. Leibniz, 1646-1716) 一生對研究中國語言文字抱持極大的熱情。其漢字研究與其普遍文字理想是互相連結的,而創制普遍文字又是出自他對數學的興趣。在出版《中國近事》(Novissima Sinica) 之後他結識了來華法國耶穌會士白晉 (Joachim Bouvet, 1656-1730),透過白晉對《易經》的闡釋,使他更加相信在數理邏輯的架構下創制一種能夠進行演算推理的普遍文字是可能的。本文以萊布尼茨與白晉針對《易經》六十四卦的通信內容為研究對象,探討《易經》如何使萊布尼茨得以將所信仰的創世觀與二進制數學理論同他的漢字研究以及普遍文字理想連繫起來,成為一個數學與語言相結合的知識體系;之後透過比較萊布尼茨的宇宙觀與《易經》本體論,從八卦符號與漢字、數字起源的關聯,討論《易經》符號系統是否能為萊布尼茨創制普遍文字提供借鏡。 |
英文摘要 |
The German scholar G. W. Leibniz was not only an outstanding seventeenth century mathematical logician, he also showed great enthusiasm for studying Chinese culture, especially the Chinese language. Leibniz’s passion for Chinese logography was linked to his interest in the creation of universal characters, and the idea of creating universal characters was influenced by his interest in mathematics. After the publication of Novissima Sinica, he became acquainted with Joachim Bouvet, one of the French Jesuits in China. Bouvet’s figuristic, number-symbolic elucidation of the I-Ching《易經》strengthened Leibniz’s belief that it was possible to establish a system of characters that could be calculated and deduced just like mathematical or logical signs. The present study focuses on the content of the letters between Leibniz and Bouvet, in which the issues surrounding the I-Ching’s sixty-four hexagrams and the origins of Chinese logography were discussed. It describes how Bouvet’s explanation of the I-Ching served as a mediator through which Leibniz’s ontological perspective, his dyadic progression theory, his study of Chinese characters, and his universal character ideal were all linked together to form a specific epistemological frame. Furthermore, Leibniz’s ontological perspective is compared with the cosmology revealed in the I-Ching. The relationship between the hexagrams, the origins of Chinese logography, and the signs of numbers are also discussed in an effort to determine whether the numerical philosophy of the I-Ching could provide a model for Leibniz’s universal characters. |