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Application of Bamboo Poetry to General Education Courses
作者 歐純純
竹枝詞是流傳於民間的歌詠形式,語言多用口語、俗諺,少用典故,具有俗美特質,反映民 間世情風俗,除了具有文學的審美特質外,同時還包含歷史、文化、信仰、風俗、俗諺、歌謠、 生命禮俗等內容,讓我們可以從民俗學與民間文學等視角切入,將文學、歷史、文化的內容一起呈現出來。因此在通識課程中,能夠運用的範圍相當的廣泛,不但能呈現通俗性與本土性,也能具有趣味性與知識性。本文分別從「竹枝詞與民間文學」、「竹枝詞與民俗文化」兩部分舉例說明, 以觀竹枝詞內容的豐富多元;同時再論「竹枝詞與學習活動設計」,以明其在教學上的執行策略, 藉此以說明竹枝詞在通識課程中的運用。
Bamboo poetry is a signing form spread among the people. It usually uses spoken language and proverbs, and seldom uses allusions. Bamboo poetry is characterized by popular beauty, and reflects folk culture and customs. In addition to the feature of literary aesthetics, it also includes the content of history, culture, religious belief, proverbs, songs, and life etiquette to enable readers to fully reflect literary, historical, and cultural content from the perspectives of folklore and folk literature. Therefore, bamboo poetry can be widely applied to the scope of general education courses to reflect popularity, locality, joyfulness, and knowledge. This study took 2 examples -“Bamboo Poetry and Folk Literature” and “Bamboo Poetry and Folk Culture” to observe the diversity of content of bamboo poetry. Afterwards, this study investigated “Bamboo Poetry and Learning Activity Design” to clarify the teaching execution strategies of bamboo poetry and explain the application of bamboo poetry to general education courses.
起訖頁 29-42
關鍵詞 竹枝詞民間文學民俗文化通識課程 Bamboo PoetryFolk LiteratureFolk CultureGeneral Education Courses
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201612 (25期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 通識國文教學的堅持與新變——從加入教育部全校性閱讀書寫課程推動與革新計畫談起
該期刊-下一篇 慢讀,解讀王文興〈玩具手槍〉




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