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Slow Reading, Interpret Wang Wen-hsing's “The Toy Revolver”
作者 陳秀玲
本篇論文為筆者解讀王文興《玩具手槍》時,運用實際批評和敘述學方法解讀,比較異同所提供建議與反思。章節如下,壹、研究動機與目的,王文興提倡慢讀,慢讀與緊湊的課堂時間是有落差,如何有效率且能在文字間鉅細靡遺的讀出道理,是故筆者在課堂運用實際批評法和敘述學方法解讀,在文字間感受氣定神閒的內蘊,實踐慢讀與和創意思考能力的教學目的。貳、文獻分析,分王文興作品研究和小說教學研究探討,分析目前教學做法與本論文提供論點的研發貢獻 處。參、慢讀與解讀,對王文興、慢讀用意及其反思,還有對實際批評和敘述學異同的探討;肆、 以〈玩具手槍〉為例,將比較實際批評與敘述學解讀文本所提供的視野進行探討與反思;伍、作者與存在主義,作品為時代產物,適時在教學上加進哲學,對作者想傳達的深邃意涵有所助益; 陸、研究結論與建議,不同方法解讀作品,帶來不同的視野,對存在主義的思考,促使讀者能對作者創作的背後的用意有更精準的把握。
This dissertation provides the researcher's suggestions and reflections on the comparison between practical criticism and narratology interpretations of Wang Wen-hsing's “The Toy Revolver”. Chapters are listed as follow: Chapter 1: Research Purpose and Motivation. Wang Wen-hsing proposed “slow reading”, which is a contrast to compact lecture time. In order to abstract concepts among literatures effectively and detailedly, this dissertation implemented practical criticism and narratology method to interpret Wang's literature. In this way, the researcher achieves his/her teaching purposes of slow reading and creative thinking implementation, while experiencing the virtue of steady through literature analysis. Chapter 2: Literature Analysis. This dissertation separates Wang's creations analysis and novel writing teaching, and discusses the pros and cons and features of them. This chapter also discusses the potential contributions of this dissertation to the field of study. Chapter 3: Slow Reading and Interpretation. This chapter discusses the purposes and reflection on Wang's slow reading theory. This chapter also discusses the similarities and differences of practical criticism and narratology on literature interpretations. Chapter 4: Takes “The Toy Revolver” as an example, this dissertation compares the perspectives and contributions of practical criticism and narratology literature interpretations, and make reflections on these comparisons. Chapter 5: The Author and Existentialism. Literatures are the product of times. Adding certain level of philosophical discussion would help to understand the inner implication of the literature's author. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Suggestion. Different interpretation methods would bring us different perspectives from the same literature. The discussion of existentialism would also help readers to have a precise understanding of authors' motivation behind his/her creation.
起訖頁 43-62
關鍵詞 王文興慢讀玩具手槍敘述學實際批評Wang Wen XingSlow Readingcab Gunnarratologypractical criticism
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201612 (25期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 竹枝詞在通識課程中的運用
該期刊-下一篇 自費健檢次數與顧客教育程度及收入之關係




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